Heat resistant SMP based adhesives - Merbenit PC200
Heat resistant SMP bases adhesives from merz+benteli ag are produced in Niederwangen.
Did you know that conventional SMP-based adhesives can withstand temperatures of up to 200 °C for short periods?
Special manufacturing processes such as powder coating/thermo-lacquering require such high
temperatures to ensure that the coating adheres. Machines and appliances sometimes also require
the use of products that offer high temperature resistance.
Merbenit PC200 is a high-strength, elastic adhesive that can withstand temperatures of up to 240
°C without damage after full curing – outperforming other adhesives.
It also offers the following unbeatable benefits:
• Very low emissions
• 100% silicone-free
• Very fast strength build-up
• Very good temperature resistance
• Can resist temperatures of up to 240 °C for short periods
• High final bond strength
Merbenit PC200 offers you significant added value in comparison to conventional adhesives.
It provides a reliable alternative for simplifying and accelerating the bonding process while remaining
very low in emissions.
Additionally, thanks to its high temperature resistance, it can be used for all applications involving
higher temperatures. The product is ideal for both short-term exposure to loads, such as during
powder coating/thermo-lacquering, and for recurring temperature peaks, e.g. in machines or devices
that require the heat produced during operation to be offset.